Quality Programming since 1929
♦ Owned and operated by Immanuel Presbyterian Church
♦ Tuition is subsidized for all families, as a mission of the church
♦ Our program is non-religious and developmentally appropriate
The following programs are offered year round, full-day, Monday – Friday:
• Toddlers (18 months old to age 3) 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
• Preschoolers (3 and 4 year olds) 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
• Pre-kindergartners (4 and 5 year olds) 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
The following program is offered during the school year, part-day, Monday – Friday:
• School-Age After-School (grades K- 6) after school – 6:00 p.m.
The following program is offered during the summer, full day, Monday – Friday:
• School-Age Summer Camp (grades K – 6) 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Mission Statement
It is our purpose to provide opportunities to construct knowledge in the areas of social, emotional, cognitive and physical development.
It is not a goal of our school to instruct the children in any religious doctrine, but rather to live with them and their families in such a way that they experience something of what it means to be children of God.
We believe that every person is a unique creation and beloved by the creator, God. Consequently, each person has a worth beyond accounting and has a valuable contribution to make to our life together. Therefore, we will try consistently to treat every member of every family with whom we come in contact with love and respect. Further, we will teach the children entrusted to us, loving, caring ways to relate to each other.
We believe that God is Just. Therefore, we will strive to be trustworthy ourselves and to teach the children to be fair in their relationships with others.
We believe that God allows us to choose freely how we will live. Therefore, we will give children safe choices and allow them insofar as it is possible, to experience the natural consequences of their decisions.
We believe that God endows every person with creative potential and intends that people be responsible stewards of the rest of creation. Therefore, we will seek to provide every child with opportunities to explore his or her own creativity, to learn for the purpose of understanding, and to develop the ability to think logically, organize coherently, plan constructively, and evaluate with humility, humor, and hope.
We believe that God forgives us. Therefore, we will strive to teach forgiveness by both precept and example to the end that teachers, students, and parents learn to forgive themselves and each other and live life more fully, not hampered by the fear of failure, but with confidence and courage.
Immanuel C.D.C. facilitates learning in the early childhood years by following a constructivist philosophy of child development. Through the work of Erickson and Piaget we recognize that the social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of children occurs in a relatively orderly sequence and that our curriculum and guidance of children should be driven by the stages of development that children are in.
Opportunities are created to help children develop in a way that leads to success in learning now and in the future. Children must be able to think for themselves, to solve problems and to get along with others, and these abilities are acquired when we encourage them to explore their environment, to solve problems that have meaning for them, and to work cooperatively with others to complete tasks. Through experimenting, making mistakes, and trying to problem solve when mistakes are made, children are constructing knowledge and learning.
It is our goal to meet the social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs of each child and to recognize that just as there are many differences in children, so too should there be many different teaching strategies in response to these differences.
Contact CDC
3445 Clifton Avenue Cincinnati, OH, 45220